Buchs (SG) Europe Trips and Trails

Säntis – On Top Of The Ostschweiz

On the Säntis, the air is thinner which led to a small skip action on my part. Which one? Read for yourself.

Buchs (SG) Europe Trips and Trails

There is no snow today

Am heutigen Samstag geht es an den Strand. Vielmehr an den See. Namentlich den Walensee, welcher nicht vom gleichnamigen Tier herrührt, sondern von den Welschen. Im Frühmittelalter bildete der Walensee die Sprachgrenze zwischen den im Westen siedelnden Alamannen und den Rätoromanen, den Welschen, im Osten. Damit hätten wir dem akademischen Anspruch Genüge getan.

Buchs (SG) Europe Trips and Trails

Sun(ny)day in Malbun in the Principality of Liechtenstein

This time I'm off to the ski resort of Malbun in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Buchs (SG) Europe Trips and Trails

A first exploration into Switzerland

Powerlessness in the face of the other. This is the only way to describe the Swiss mountains. Sublimity in its purest form.
