Kanada 2021 Trips and Trails

Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley

Kelowna is located in southwestern British Columbia in the Okanagan Valley directly on Okanagan Lake. This year we will stop here as well.

Kanada 2021 Trips and Trails

Packing List for Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit

Packliste für den Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit. Alles, was man auf gar keinen Fall vergessen darf!

Kanada 2021 Trips and Trails

Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit - A Travel Report

Trip report to Bowron Lake Provincial Park Canoe Circuit in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Tips, tricks and checklist


US Election 2020

Wahl 2020. Informationen zum Wahlsystem der USA. Wer wählt eigentlich wen? Wann steht faktisch der Gewinner fest?

Canada Trips and Trails

Wells Gray Provincial Park to Revelstoke

After a week of canoeing in Wells Gray Provincial Park, we're off to Revelstoke. A trip report.

Canada Trips and Trails

Wells Gray Provincial Park

Trip report from our canoe trip on Clearwater Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park. A nostalgic trip for us.
